Garden Gate, Z-Fold Box Card for Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and today I’m popping in to share the card I made for my mum.

The latest celebratory challenge at Festive Friday (#FF0007) is for Mother’s Day and/or Pink so I’ve added my project to the link up. I LOVE their themed challenges.

I was keen to ink up the Rooted in Nature Bundle (release date, 1st June, 2018) and try out some new colours, plus add a little bit of pink to my card in the process.

My mum recently moved house and you can see the rolling hills and trees from her kitchen sink. She loves to garden and last week she planted a few more flowers to add a touch of colour. That became the springboard on which to base my card. I decided to make another Z-Fold, Box Card with a picket fence and added a central garden gate using the main stamp from Barn Door. I love thinking of new ways to enhance an old favourite card design and thought the corner gate would be a fun addition to the picket fence.

It’s nearly been two years since I first designed this style of card; It certainly was a happy ‘accident’ when I decided that I didn’t like the big gap in the middle of a z-fold and popped in some ‘box card’ inserts. One of the best decisions in my card making career thus far! The rest they say is history.

May 21st – I had a lovely SU Demonstrator from Reno, Nevada, USA email me a few months ago and ask if she could visit and attend a card class while she was holidaying in Tassie. Well the day finally arrived and Karen chose to make a Garden Gate, Z-Fold Box Card. We had a fun afternoon and I made a new stamping buddy!

Thanks for stopping by,


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Garden Gate, Z-Fold, Box Card Tutorial

About Bronwyn Eastley

Paper Crafter from Australia - I enjoy designing 3D, interactive cards, the ones that pop-up, slide or have a unique fold.

8 thoughts on “Garden Gate, Z-Fold Box Card for Mother’s Day

  1. I am always disappointed that you charge for your tutorials. Sorry, I would never pay for these when I can get tons for free. Let me know if you ever start putting them out for free. Thank you.

    1. These comments are very rare. I usually just ignore them and move on but today I wrote an email back to ‘Jean’ and published her comment. I thought it was worth addressing. Here’s what I wrote –

      Hi ‘Jean’,

      I have lots of tutorials for FREE in my ‘shop’. My card designs are original and many hours of work go into them. I have a sideline REGISTERED business and I pay taxes! I gather you have never written any yourself and just expect everything for free!

      Yes, there are lots of tutorials out there for free (people get paid on You Tube if they have lots of followers and often they are not their designs to begin with) – that’s their form of income but I love to write instructions and provide PDFs. I service a strong market. There is a demand and I supply!

      I am a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator and abide by their code of conduct. You will see that there are a LOT of demos out there that offer on-line classes, tutorial bundles etc. You never know what you are purchasing. At least you know what you are getting with my tutorials.

      The card that you left your comment on is my original design. Yes, I came up with the idea of putting box inserts into the gap in the z-fold and a few days later that idea was in the Silhouette shop and then it spread like wildfire – that’s why I charge for my tutorials – other people make money out of my designs all the time (not ethical of course) so I figured I should be the FIRST!

      Primarily my designs are given away for FREE to my on-line SU customers and my team. If you don’t fit in either category, then you have the OPTION of purchasing. That’s your choice. Enjoy the free ones or pay for essentially what costs ‘less than a take away coffee’ and enjoy and appreciate that I have spent days designing, creating, writing and publishing each one and the instructions are clear and easy to follow along. SU Demos can even make copies and share with their stamp class attendees – not many other tutorial writers allow that!

      So if you’d like to offer one of your own ORIGINAL written tutorials to me, I could possibly do an exchange!

      Happy stamping,

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