6×6 Easel Card – Bees & Butterflies Collection from Paper Rose Studio

Hi and welcome to the fourth instalment of my Design Team Projects featuring the bee…utiful  Bees & Butterflies Collection from –

For my fifth project I made a 6×6 Easel Card. I really love the gorgeous background paper on this one and have added a Wonky Picket Fence [22762] to the garden scene.

A little butterfly and bee are suspended on strips of acetate to the back of the easel stopper.

Featured Products

Shop Products from Paper Rose Studio – https://paperrose.com.au/?sca_ref=8078156.smN4aKWBPtM

You can find the full product list and step by step instructions on how to make this 6×6 Easel Card in my FREE TUTORIAL here – https://addinktivedesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Bees-Butterflies-6×6-Easel-Card-Tutorial.pdf

Also, make sure you check out the video tutorial over on my You Tube Channel

In the lead up to making the Bees & Butterflies 6×6 Easel Card, I made one featuring  the Lavender & Fairies Collection which I’ll be sharing on my blog very soon.

Thanks so much for fluttering by,

About Bronwyn Eastley

Paper Crafter from Australia - I enjoy designing 3D, interactive cards, the ones that pop-up, slide or have a unique fold.

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