Hi there. I’m guessing you are checking out this page because you’re interested in purchasing one or more of my card tutorials.
Thank you for your interest. A lot of hard work goes into designing and creating each project and photographing and writing clear instructions for each step. I have been writing and publishing card tutorials for 15 years now and love what I do.
I’ve attempted to address some FAQ regarding my DIGITAL DOWNLOADS.
- General Introduction to Digital Downloads from the WooCommerce Site –
The ordering process for a downloadable product is –
- The customer adds a downloadable product to their cart.
- The customer checks out and pays.
- After the payment the customer –
- Is granted download permission
- Can see download links on the order received page
- Can see download links in their email notification
- Can see download links on their ‘My Account’ page if logged in
Customers can then download files.
2. Invoice/Order Email –
The customer receives an invoice/order confirmation with a clickable link to download if the order is processed and paid.
Orders are sent out automatically and go to your Pay Pal email address.
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3. Frequently Asked Questions (These are actual questions in no particular order. Some details are left out for privacy reasons).
A) Q. Hi I just ordered some of your PDF tutorials but the wrong email was attached. I moved and my old email was xyz@gmail.com but it is now abc@gmail.com . Can you please ensure that the tutorials go to my new email? Thank you.
Orders are sent out automatically and go to your Pay Pal email address (most occur while I’m fast asleep) so there is no point in requesting they go elsewhere. It is up to you to make sure your details are correct in your Pay Pal account. If this does occur, please contact me and I will send you the PDFs.
B) Q. When will I receive my cards? I ordered 8 of them.
You actually put in an order for DIGITAL DOWNLOADS for CARD TUTORIALS not actual cards. You will receive a LINK for up to 20 digital downloads for each tutorial purchased.
C) Q. Do you sell your cards? (physical product as opposed to digital downloads for instructions)
To Australian Residents only – Sometimes I will make commissioned cards. These are usually for friends and family. If you are wanting to get a special card made, please email me for a quote. My cards are labour intensive so I don’t do bulk orders.
D) Q. I have purchased your tutorial via PayPal for the Snow Globe Scenes Gift Card Holder. Does it come through instantaneously or is there a delay?
As soon as the order is processed and paid you will receive an invoice/order confirmation with a clickable link to download the tutorial up to 10 times. Please save the file to your device for future reference.
E) Q. This is the message I get when I try to process a Pay Pal payment: PayPal error (10606): An error (10606) occurred while processing your PayPal payment. Please contact the store owner for assistance. What do I do?
Based on PayPal’s documentation, the 10606 error is because the users credit card has been rejected. I can’t help you with that!
F) Q. I’ve downloaded the tutorials but they’ve ‘disappeared’. Where did they go?
Every device is different and my hubby found this great article on where your downloads go – https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001533.htm
G) Q. Can I print the instructions and keep a paper copy?
Of course you can but if there is a connectivity problem between you and your printer, I can’t help you with that either.
H) Q. I ordered 7 tutorials about 2 months ago and still don’t have them. Can you help?
“Oh my, you’ve left it this long to contact me!” Links to download the tutorials are sent straight after payment. If you don’t receive that email, check your spam/junk folder to see if it ended up in there. Orders are sent out automatically through a WooCommerce program and your email filters may see the source of my emails as ‘SPAM’. Add me to your contacts list to avoid any problems in the future.
I) Q. I purchased a card tutorial a few months ago. I printed it out but now I’m not able to locate it. Could you, perhaps, check your records and resend the pdf file to me (I don’t keep old emails very long). I would greatly appreciate it as I would like to use this design with a stamp set I just purchased.
Now, I usually do resend the PDFs upon request but you need to realise that it takes time to track down an order to verify the sale and then email out the PDFs. There are also a couple of things that concern me about these types of requests – 1) I’m not responsible for your lost files or print outs. My purchases have expiry dates to avoid this kind of request. 2) Emails that contain purchases should be kept in a file in your email (they just may come in handy especially if you need to quote an order number). You wouldn’t go into a book shop and ask the owner to replace a book that you’d lost free of charge!
J) Q. Does your card tutorial include a cutting file?
None of my card tutorials contain cutting files. I would state if they did.
K) Q. Can I please get the measurements for the U-FOLD CARD?
Please don’t request measurements for cards that I have written tutorials for. It takes a lot of brain power to design cards and figure out the measurements. Thanks for paying less than a ‘take away cup of coffee’ for a digital download to help support my small craft business. I really do appreciate it.
Which brings me to another subject which makes me sad – I’ve had card makers copy my cards and then make instructional videos for their own self promotion. I’m totally baffled by this and very disheartened at their lack of ‘etiquette’ when it comes to CASEing (Copy and selectively editing) my designs. Please give credit where credit is due by linking back to my blog. If someone wants to learn how to make that particular card that you CASED, refer them to the original source. You’ve got nothing to gain except a bad reputation by not doing so.
L) Q. I’ve bought your tutorial for the Baby Crib Card. Am I able to sell the cards that I make from your design?
Yes you may sell your cards that you have made using my designs but you must state in any advertising blurb and/or packaging of the card the following – “Made by [your name here]. Designed by Bronwyn Eastley, AddINKtive Designs”.
M) Q. I’ve reached my download limit. Can you resend the link?
“I am trying to access this download and it says I have reached my maximum attemps and I’ve looked at it once. Any ideas what I have done or how this can be corrected as it says I have 2 months to download it”.
This is probably the most frequently asked question especially if customers have never downloaded a PDF before and are not that tech savvy. They just don’t know how to access their downloads (See response to that question further up). Resending the link isn’t probably going to help someone in this situation as they will most likely just read the tutorial and not save the file for future reference. What I’d really like to tell them in this situation is to “get someone under the age of 30 to help you out” but I’m way too polite for that! I usually end up emailing them the file. Which brings me to the next question which I’ve just answered –
N) Q.I don’t know how to save the files to my device. Can you help?
Get someone under the age of 30 to help you out
O) Q. I’ve gone past the expiry date on my purchase. Can you resend the link?
It helps if you quote an order number so I can quickly do a search for the order. If I can see that the order has been downloaded the maximum amount of times and you’ve gone past the expiry date, then technically you’ve received what you paid for. If there are a few downloads left, I can extend the expiry date. I can also regenerate the download permissions if you ask me to.
P) Q. Are the measurements for your card in inches or centimetres?
“Hello Bronwyn, I love your cards. Are your tutorials in metric or imperial? I just purchased several tutorials from you and expect the dimensions to be in US numbers and not metric. Is this the way they will be coming to me? Are your instructions in inches ? I hope they are”.
I always state in the shop blurb, for each tutorial, what measurements I have used and I always use INCHES. Most of my more recent tutorials have both metric and imperial measurements. You’re lucky that this chick is old enough to remember using the archaic imperial system in Maths up until 1973 (grade 5). As most of the dies and other paper crafting tools are sized according to ‘inches’, I actually find it more compatible to work in imperial measurements when designing cards.
Q) Q. Will you be putting together a kit for this tutorial and do you post to the US?
I rarely make up card kits as they are so time consuming and I only post items within Australia.
R) Q. I’ve reached my maximum downloads and I really want to make that card again. Can you please re-send the link?
Please SAVE YOUR DOWNLOADS to a file on your device.
S) Q. I recently bought your PDF Grace’s Garden Double Z-Fold Card Tutorial, would you have a video for that?
Short Answer – Not usually. My written tutorials are very detailed but there are a couple that have a private link to my You Tube Channel in the PDF.
T) Q. I have purchased a tutorial but something has gone wrong. I have received an email to finish the purchase, but when I click on the link to take me to finish it, it says “Oops! That page can’t be found”. Could you please tell me how to fix this?
It’s most likely that you have clicked on the link and have downloaded the tutorial several times without realising it and have reached your download limit.
U) Q. How many pages is in your tutorial for the Sweet Bouncing Baby Card?
It clearly states at the beginning of the ‘description’ for every tutorial in the STORE how many pages each PDF contains.
V) Q. How much is your tutorial in USD?
Pay Pal will automatically convert to USD according to whatever the exchange rate is at the time of purchase.
W) Q. When are you going to send me the file/s?
I often get this question in an email, accompanied with the receipt which the customer has received and has forwarded to me. As you can see it clearly shows the DOWNLOAD LINK.
You have paid for a digital download. It is up to you to download and SAVE the file. My records will show how many times you have actually clicked on the link and downloaded the file. Some people are searching in all sorts of places to find the link – try looking under the heading, ‘Download’.
Lastly, please do feel free to Email with any queries particularly if you have not received the tutorials. More often than not it is usually because they were either sent to the wrong email address, or they landed in your SPAM folder, or you’re not sure how to download the tutorials. I will always respond to any legitimate inquiries but sometimes even a ‘return email’ to a customer may end up in their spam folder so if you think you haven’t heard from me, check your spam folder/junk mail. So, whatever the reason, it’s always good to talk to me first instead of opening up a Dispute in Pay Pal. Refunds are generally not issued for tutorials once they have been downloaded (unless you accidentally purchased more than one of the same tutorial). I hope this FAQ page has been helpful.
Thank you for supporting me in my Creative Business.