My Favourite Item to Craft with is … Pretty Paper

Hello and welcome to AddINKtive Designs. I’m having a mini break from Zig-Zag Albums ☺️ to enter a couple of challenges. The first one being, As You See It Challenge #334

My favourite item to craft with is PRETTY PAPER, more specifically, 6×6 Paper Collections as they’re a good size for card making. My current favourite is Farmhouse Friends Backgrounds and I’m already onto the second pack!

When you use gorgeous papers like these on a project you don’t need to add too much more. The Wonky Picket Fence (Paper Rose) was attached to some acetate so it wouldn’t cover up much of the beautiful background scene.

In keeping with my love of making 3D cards, I’ve made an Extended Double Z-Fold Card and have entered my project into challenge #93 at Creative Creases

Thanks so much for stopping by,

About Bronwyn Eastley

Paper Crafter from Australia - I enjoy designing 3D, interactive cards, the ones that pop-up, slide or have a unique fold.

4 thoughts on “My Favourite Item to Craft with is … Pretty Paper

  1. Bronwyn, whatever you make is a treasure! The paper is adorable but it’s that great picket fence that really steals the show. Thanks so much for sharing with us at As You See It. 🙂

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